羅伯特·傑梅恩·托馬斯 (約1840年9月17日-1866年8月31日失蹤) 是一位威爾士新教傳教士,隸屬於倫敦傳道會,曾在晚清時期的中國和朝鮮傳教。在中國傳教期間,托馬斯對朝鮮人民產生了強烈的傳教願望,儘管當時朝鮮因擔心外國影響而對外國人封閉。1865年,托馬斯首次前往朝鮮沿海,成為繼卡爾·古茲拉夫之後,第二位記錄在案的新教傳教士。在兩個半月的逗留期間,托馬斯分發了中文的新約聖經和傳單,因為當時還沒有朝鮮語版本。
Robert Jermain Thomas was a Welsh missionary known for his courageous and sacrificial efforts to spread Christianity in East Asia, particularly in Korea. Born in 1839, he first served as a missionary in China but developed a deep passion for bringing the gospel to Korea, which was largely closed off to foreign influence at the time. Despite the significant risks, Thomas made two attempts to enter Korea, carrying Bibles and Christian literature.
On his second attempt in 1866, while aboard the American ship General Sherman, the vessel was attacked by Korean forces. As the ship was set ablaze and his life was in danger, Thomas continued to distribute Bibles, reportedly offering them to his executioners with the words, "Jesus, Jesus." He was eventually martyred, but his sacrifice planted the seeds of Christianity in Korea. The Bibles he gave out were preserved by locals, some of whom became early converts to Christianity. Thomas’s legacy lives on as an early catalyst for the spread of Christianity in Korea, a country that now has a significant Christian population.