“When an opponent supports his argument with physical force the Chinese can be crouching, gentle, and even kind." 郭實獵(1803年7月8日—1851年8月9日),是普魯士新教傳教士、醫生、探險家和翻譯家。他於1826年被派往南洋爪哇傳教,精通多種漢語方言,包括閩語、粵語、潮州語和客家語。在中國沿海城市進行佈道時,郭實獵融入當地文化,穿著華服並蓄假辮。作為羅存德的同工,他在廣州創辦了近代第一份漢字期刊,並逐漸取代馬禮遜成為英國駐華商務監督的翻譯。郭實獵在第一次鴉片戰爭期間擔任英軍的翻譯和參謀,並參與《南京條約》的談判,因其角色後來受到非議。
Karl Friedrich August Gützlaff was a 19th-century German missionary and one of the earliest Protestant missionaries to China. Known for his linguistic skills, Gützlaff translated parts of the Bible into various Chinese dialects, aiming to make the gospel accessible to the local population. Despite facing resistance from Chinese authorities, local distrust, and harsh conditions during his coastal missionary expeditions, he remained committed to spreading Christianity. Gützlaff also faced personal tragedies, including the loss of two wives and several children, and criticism for his methods.
Undeterred by these challenges, Gützlaff's passion for evangelism inspired future missionaries like Hudson Taylor, who would later establish the China Inland Mission. Reflecting on his dedication, Gützlaff once said, “A Christian should never despair, for the ways of God are wonderful, and He brings His plans to pass by means of the most unlikely instruments.” He died in 1851, leaving behind a legacy of linguistic contributions and pioneering missionary work in China.