

馬禮遜(Robert Morrison,1782年1月5日-1834年8月1日)是英格蘭出生的蘇格蘭傳教士,也是第一位來華的基督新教傳教士。1807年,他受倫敦傳道會派遣抵達廣州,並在英國東印度公司任職25年。馬禮遜在文化交流方面做了大量貢獻,包括翻譯並出版了《聖經》的中文全文,獨自編纂了中國第一部《華英字典》,以及創作了《中國一覽》和《廣東省土語字彙》等重要作品。他也為中國第一位基督教徒蔡高施洗,並按立了第一名華人牧師梁發。此外,馬禮遜還與其他傳教士創辦了英華書院及出版了多部中文報刊,對中西文化交流具有重要影響。



Robert Morrison was a pioneering Christian missionary and linguist who became the first Protestant missionary to China. Born in 1782 in Scotland, Morrison felt a strong call to serve as a missionary in a country where the gospel was largely unknown. Sent by the London Missionary Society to China in 1807, he dedicated his life to the mission despite the dangers and cultural isolation he faced as a foreigner in a country hostile to Christianity. One of his greatest accomplishments was translating the Bible into Chinese, a task that took over 12 years to complete. This monumental work, along with his creation of a Chinese-English dictionary, significantly advanced cross-cultural communication and laid the foundation for future missionaries.

Morrison’s journey was marked by immense personal sacrifice. He was often separated from his family due to the hostile political climate, suffered from illnesses, and lived in isolation. After seven years of labor, he baptized his first convert, a testament to his perseverance. One of his most famous moments occurred when a shipowner sarcastically asked, "And so, Mr. Morrison, you really expect to make an impression on the idolatry of the great Chinese Empire?" Morrison replied, "No, sir, but I expect God will." Despite these hardships, Morrison’s faith never wavered. He died in 1834 from tuberculosis after 27 years of service, having opened the door for future generations of missionaries through his lifelong commitment to spreading the gospel.