Dear CBMC Core members,
We want to invite you to join the CBMC Core Members Meeting on 10/27 (WED) 7:30PM.
Core Members ZOOM Meeting
Date: 10/27/2021, WEDNESDAY
Time: 7:30 PM
Place: Zoom
Zoom Meeting Link:
Invited Attendees: All Core Members of CBMC

坐落於三街及Commonwealth 的物業現以底價$849,999出售,由於其位置對教會發展有策略性的影響,長老會邀請所有會眾一起為購買此物業祈禱,求神賜智慧予長老會辨別祂的心意和遵從祂的帶領。
長老會定於下星期三(十月二十七日)晚上七時半至八時召開ZOOM特別核心會員大會,ZOOM ID#626-570-9044,交代購買此物業的異象及其進展。若弟兄姊妹參加實體週三祈禱會,可以在FC Chapel通過 Zoom 參與這個特別核心會員大會。由於我們需要足夠的核心會員引證長老會購買此物業的決定,請務必出席並投票。

A property located on the corner of 3rd street and Commonwealth Ave. is currently listed for $849,999. Due to its proximity and potential impact on church development, the Board of Elders is inviting all members to pray for the acquisition of the property. May God grant the Board of Elders wisdom to discern His will and faithfulness to follow His guidance.

There will be a special Core Member Meeting on Zoom, at 10/27 (Wed) from 7:30pm to 8:00pm, ZOOM ID# 626-570-9044; the Board of Elders will explain the vision and progress of the purchase of this property.  For brothers and sisters who join Wednesday prayer meeting in-person, you can join Zoom in FC Chapel to attend this special Core Member Meeting.

Since we will seek core members' affirmation of the purchase of the property, please by all means attend and cast your votes.