Baptism is the immersion of a believer into water, symbolizing repentance of sin and new life in Christ.
Baptism is the public declaration of faith, an outward expression of an inward reality—that you have already given your life to Christ and are saved by grace (Eph. 2:8-9). So why the need for baptism? The short answer: Jesus commanded it. But also, it is a powerful and holy sacrament that, like the vows in a marriage ceremony, is a symbolic vow of your commitment to Jesus as Lord, and your joining him in his death and resurrection (Rom. 6:1-4).
Because in baptism we are joined to Christ, this means that we are also joining ourselves to the church, which is Christ's body (1 Cor. 12:13). For this reason, it's our practice at CBMC that baptism is also joined to church membership. And because we want to make sure that this is a decision someone is making on their own, and not under compulsion or ignorance, we require that people seeking baptism are 1) at least 14 years old and 2) have attended our church for at least 6 months.
We are baptized into Christ, and Christ’s body is the Church.
Are you ready to make the best decision of your life?
We believe there is not greater "yes" than a yes to following Jesus. If you are ready, or want to further pursue this decision, here are your next steps to being baptized and joining our church: