Week 4: Missionaries in the midst of spiritual warfare
October 27th, 2023
“God, you fight for us!  Please be with the missionaries and give them courage and faith to fight any spiritual warfare before them. They may feel defeted when their ministry seems to be fruitless. Th...  Read More
October 27th, 2023
禱文:為人爭戰的上帝,我們懇求祢在屬靈爭戰中帥領每一位宣教士。當傳福音未見果效、和屢屢受到拒絕或恥笑而感到挫敗時,求祢賜他們有堅毅不屈的心繼續盡忠。求祢成為他們最堅固的盾牌,能抵擋一切屬靈攻擊。祢也是他們最強大的武器,依靠祢他們就能擊退撒旦。祢更是宣教士在工場上的安慰者,是他們離鄉別井、孤軍作戰時的戰友,當他們心力交瘁、驚慌害怕時,願祢的愛和能力覆庇他們,叫他們為主受苦也不懼怕。禱告奉主耶穌基督得...  Read More
Week 3: Missionaries in hostile countries that persecuted Christians
October 20th, 2023
“Our Lord Almighty! You are the God of missionaries. Many of them strive to preach the Gospel to heretics in hostile countries that are resistant to the gospel, such as Islamic countries. Their work i...  Read More
October 20th, 2023
禱文:萬軍之耶和華我們的神啊!祢是宣教士的主,他們當中有不少為祢在反對基督教的國家(如伊斯蘭國家)中,努力向異教徒傳福音,但他們的工作卻非常艱難,除了平日可能會遭到政府的刁難和逼迫,也有被捕下獄的危險,生命更會受到威脅。懇求主賜他們有從祢而來出人意外的平安,也有更多智慧在動盪不安的環境中事奉,願祢保護和看顧他們免受魔鬼的攻擊。祈禱奉主耶穌基督得勝的名祈求,阿們。 宣教士的資料:Alex & Sue...  Read More
Week 2: Missionaries having difficulties in the mission fields
October 13th, 2023
“Dear Father, our missionaries often face many difficulties and challenges in their work. There is a shortage of resources, funding, and labors for their ministries. They have to adjust to changes in ...  Read More
October 13th, 2023
禱文:我們親愛的父神,宣教士在事奉工場上面對極多的困難和挑戰,他們會面對各種的缺乏,如資源、金錢、同工等等,也要適應事奉崗位和人事的變遷,與新同工的合作和磨合等,我們求祢在各方面都厚賜他們屬天的智慧、幫助他們有信心去面對和解決困境,叫他們在人事和資源上一無所缺,手所作的工成為更多失喪靈魂的祝福。祈禱奉主耶穌寶貴的聖名祈求,阿們。 宣教士的資料:資源短缺:WCCM Hills Academy 位於印...  Read More